Marriage and Family Therapy Services

​Holly Gray, LMFT

“My teenager is out of control.” 
Family relationships and parenting: improve parenting skills, consistency and communication, develop and implement rules, routines, behavior charts or family contracts, decrease sibling rivalry, increase positive affection, understanding child and adolescent development, coping with divorce, co-parenting after divorce, blended and step families and grandparents raising grandchildren.  

“He doesn’t understand me anymore. How could we have grown so far apart?” 
Marital and relationship conflicts: managing relationship stress, setting limits/boundaries, creating intimacy and trust, clarifying commitments, communication, recovering from infidelity, power and control issues. 

“She never listens.”  
Communication skills: general communication and listening skills, understanding non-verbal communication skills and conflict resolution.  

“Sometimes I get so angry I lose control /blank out.”  

Anger management:conflict resolution skills, de-escalation/relaxation techniques, safety planning, triggers, understanding anger and how to express anger appropriately. 

“I’m afraid I will never measure up.” 
Individual therapy: setting limits/boundaries, strengthen self esteem, life skills, creating intimacy and trust, loving without addiction, healing childhood wounds related to alcoholism, incest and other traumas, developing your ability to express healthy emotions, life coaching, depression and anxieties.

“It’s been over a year, should I still be grieving the loss of my loved one?"  "Ever since the divorce I feel so lost.”  
Coping with grief/loss: dealing with the grief and loss associated with death, divorce, relationship break ups, failing health, loss of a friendship, cherished dream, job, financial stability or safety after a trauma.

“I just have too much on my plate right now.”  
Managing life transitions: changing jobs, buying or selling a house, divorce, marriage, having a baby, relocation, retirement, leaving for college, serious illness, significant loss (of a person, job, pet) or starting a career. 

“I feel so ashamed of my past.  No one could love me because of what has happened to me.”  
Trauma or abuse: physical, mental, verbal, emotional or sexual abuse experienced in childhood or as an adult.  

“I have to force myself to leave the house.” 
Anxiety: general anxiety, social anxiety, fears, obsessions and compulsions and panic attacks.  

“It’s hard to imagine life will ever get better.” 
Depression: feelings of helplessness, hopefulness, loss of interest in daily activities, appetite or weight changes, sleep changes, loss of energy, self loathing and concentration problems.

“I don’t understand how I keep ending up in abusive relationships.”  
Domestic violence and abuse: understanding abusive relationships, help for domestic violence, understanding alcohol or drug abuse, help for alcohol or drug abuse, self harm or hurting.

Be a first rate 

version of
yourself, not a

second rate

version of


– Judy Garlandere.